Launched by Voices for Georgia's Children and Georgia's Department of Behavioral Health, along with incredible partners, the Free Your Feels campaign helps Georgia’s children, teens, and young adults stay mentally healthy by expressing their feelings with peers, parents, teachers, and most importantly, themselves.
Through customized awareness materials, curated educational resources, and signature events and programs like the Free Your Feels Teen Summit and school-based peer-to-peer wellness groups, we aim to increase mental health awareness, reduce stigma, and encourage Georgia’s youth to express their real feelings and seek support, while guiding caregivers and adults to listen and help.

All Free Your Feel Resources are free and ready for you to access and share! Every month we create and distribute a resource toolkit to help equip everyone with the resources and tools to tackle different topics connected to youth mental health. Check out our most recent resource toolkits below. For all FYF resources, you can explore more by clicking here!

Contribute your mental health story or journey, messages of hope and encouragement,
self-care tips, mental health resources, and more to this #FreeYourFeels storywall!
Use the hashtag #FreeYourFeels on any social media posts.
By voluntarily posting your content to public social media with the hashtag #FreeYourFeels, you agree to allow Voices for Georgia's Children, DBHDD, and its partners use your content (photo, video, text, and appearance) on all digital platforms promoting this campaign.

Join the campaign

Interested in raising awareness about youth mental health? Join the FYF digital community and subscribe to our newsletter! If you have a deeper interest in being a champion for your community, leave a question or comment below!

Launched by Georgia's Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities and Voices for Georgia's Children along with incredible partners, the Free Your Feels campaign helps Georgia’s children, teens, and young adults stay mentally healthy by expressing their true feelings with peers, parents, teachers, and most importantly, themselves.
With free educational resources, instant access to mental health professionals, and support for kids and families, we’re helping Georgia’s youth voice their real feels and get the help they need, when they need it.